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แบบทดสอบก่อนเรียนบทที่ 2

1. If you “__________” a particular topic during an argument, you mention it.

  1. bring up

2. take off

  3. turn around     4. go back and forth

2. If A has something “_______” B, A and B are connected.

  1. to do with        2. to go with
  3. to have with

3. to be with


3. If someone keeps “_______” about something, they keep talking about it.

  1. going on         

2. going for

  3. going to           4. going up

4. If you “________” a fact or a story, you invent it.

  1. make on

2. make up

  3. make in

4. make off


5. If facts and figures are used to “______” your argument, they’re used to support it and help explain it.

  1. back off           2. back up
  3. back and forth               

4. back broken


6. If you manage to “_________” doing something, you convince them to do it.

  1. talk someone into         

2. speak somebody into

  3. tell someone into          

4. announce someone into


7. If you say that you won’t “______” something any longer, you’re saying that you won’t accept it
any longer.

  1. put in with

2. put on with

  3. put over with 

4. put up with


8. If you tell someone to “______”, you tell them to stop talking.

  1. shut down

2. shut up

  3. shut over

4. shut under


9. An alternative word or expression you can use to refer to things which people may find embarrassing:
sex, death, etc.

  1. a euphemism 2. a romanticism
  3. a racism          

4. a nazism


10. The “_______” that something has is its effect and how powerful it is

  1. impact

2. isolate

  3. irritate

4. demolish


11. If something gives you “________”, it provides you with the food you need to grow and be healthy.

  1. nourishment

2. ingredient

  3. diet  

4. mineral


12. Transparent-wall maintenance officer

  1. Dish washer   

2. Window cleaner

  3. Road sweeper

4. Waiter


13. Gastronomical hygiene technician

  1. Dish washer   

2. Window cleaner

  3. Road sweeper

4. Waiter


14. He’s generously proportioned.

  1. obese

2. skinny

  3. bony 

4. chubby


15. She was sent to a correctional facility.

  1. a factory

2. a public park

  3. an office

4. a jail


16. The project co-ordinator deals with all ________ .

  1. consults

2. suggestions

  3. complaints

4. recommends


17.  Let's get together on this means I’m really confused about this so I need  ___________.

  1. a mouth-to-mouth

2. a face-to-face.

  3. a back-to-back

4. an eye-to-eye


18. I’ll get back to you means I’ve already _______ your e-mail

  1. deleted             

2. found out

  3. reused 4. recycled          

19. Your request is being _______ means it is actually in the bin.

  1. processed

2. proceeded

  3. progressed 4. proposed

20.  The proposal is under _______ consideration means we’ve lost the file.

  1. passive             

2. active

  4. imperative

4. Competitive


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